Quick view Details sku: 17H6293 Seal - Steering Rack Pinion (Australian) - Mini/Moke MSRP: Was: Now: $6.40
Quick view Details sku: BAU001127EVA Steering Column Lower Felt Bush - Mini/Moke MSRP: Was: Now: $6.95
Quick view Details sku: NAM8563 Steering Column Lower Nylon Bush - Moke/Rover Mini MSRP: Was: Now: $12.50
Quick view Details sku: GSV1153 Steering Rack Boot Kit (Metal Ties) - Mini/Moke MSRP: Was: Now: $18.50
Quick view Details sku: HYL2879 Steering Rack Boot Kit - Morris 1100 + Late Mini MSRP: Was: Now: $23.40
Quick view Details Whiteline | sku: W11529 Steering Rack Urethane Bush - Mini/Moke MSRP: Was: Now: $18.25
Quick view Details sku: GSJ734HD Tie Rod End - Heavy Duty & Longer - Mini/Moke MSRP: Was: Now: $22.25
Quick view sku: AYB6041 Ignition / Steering Lock Sheer Bolt Sheer bolt for attaching steering lock to steering column. Suits later model cars with locking steering columns. MSRP: Was: Now: $6.60
Quick view sku: NT608041 Lock Nut - Tie Rod End - Mini/Moke Lock nut for 1/2" UNF Tie Rod Ends. Locks against tie tod to stop movement. Fitment: - Mini & Moke - all models. Use GSJ734 tie rod end. - MG Midget - 1972 to 1979, fitted with Triumph steering rack. Use GSJ158 tie rod end. NT606041 MSRP: Was: Now: $2.00
Quick view sku: GFK3323 Lock Nut 3/8" UNF - Tie Rod End & Lower Arm Lock nut for Mini and Moke Tie Rod end (GSJ734) and lower arm (2A4362). MSRP: Was: Now: $1.10
Quick view sku: 2K5377 Lock Tab - Steering Arm Locktab for steering arm to brake hub. 2 requried for each vehicle. Fitment: - Mini / Moke - Austin Healey Sprite / MG Midget 2K5377 MSRP: Was: Now: $5.50
Quick view sku: ACH6001 Nut - Steering Wheel - Mini/Moke/Minor Steering wheel nut. Fitment: - Mini & Moke - all Australian models. - Morris Minor - 1957 onwards. Shakeproof washer is part 53K3480. ACH6001 / STR317 MSRP: Was: Now: $15.55
Quick view sku: 21A30 Seal - Steering Column to Floor High density foam seal to go between steering column and floor on all Minis & Mokes. Model: Mini / Moke MSRP: Was: Now: $1.85
Quick view sku: 17H6293 Seal - Steering Rack Pinion (Australian) - Mini/Moke Steering rack pinion oil seal. Suits all Australian steering racks. Does not fit the newer replacement or Rover steering racks. Vehicle: Mini & Moke 17H6293 MSRP: Was: Now: $6.40
Quick view sku: 2A4315 Steering Arm Bolt Bolt for steering arm / brake hub. Use with 2K5377 lock tab. Suits all model Minis and Mokes. Model: Mini / Moke MSRP: Was: Now: $8.80
Quick view sku: FAM6924 Steering Arm Dowel Dowel for steering arm / brake hub. Use with 2A4315 bolt and 2K5377 lock tab. Suits all model Minis and Mokes. MSRP: Was: Now: $6.60
Quick view sku: BG5101 Steering Column Drop Bracket - Chrome Steering column lowering/drop bracket to suit Mini. Lower the column for a more comfortable driving position. Make sure you loosen the 4 nuts on the rack u-bolts when installing this - allows for the column/rack to stay aligned. And don't forget to... MSRP: Was: Now: $19.95
Quick view sku: CDBB01 Steering Column Drop Bracket Bolt & Nut Bolt and lock nut for steering column to dash bracket. MSRP: Was: Now: $3.30
Quick view sku: BAU001127EVA Steering Column Lower Felt Bush - Mini/Moke Felt bush for bottom of steering column as fitted to all Australian built Minis & Mokes. Vehicle: Mini / Moke BAU001127EVA / GSV1127 MSRP: Was: Now: $6.95
Quick view sku: NAM8563 Steering Column Lower Nylon Bush - Moke/Rover Mini Nylon bush for bottom of steering column as fitted to very late Mokes and imported Rover Mini from 1985 to 1996. Does not fit Australian Mini models. Top bush is GSV1095 Vehicle: Mini / Moke NAM8563 MSRP: Was: Now: $12.50
Quick view sku: HBZ411 Steering Column Pinch Bolt - Mini/Moke Pinch bolt and nut to attach steering column to steering rack pinion on Mini & Moke models. HBZ411 MSRP: Was: Now: $1.50
Quick view sku: GSV1095 Steering Column Upper Nylon Bush - Mini/MGB Nylon bush for top of steering column. Fitment: - Mini & Moke - all models, prior to air bag in late imported Rover Mini. - MGB 1962-72 with non-collapsible steering column (to chassis GHN/D5-258000). GSV1095 / 263-410 MSRP: Was: Now: $9.95
Quick view sku: AYA6001 Steering Rack - Mini Steering rack assembly suits all Australian Mini and Moke models (except Mokes with 13" wheels). UK design. Brand new. Already filled with grease and ready to go. AYA6001 / NAM5058 / FAM7306 MSRP: Was: Now: $269.00
Quick view sku: ACH5854 Steering Rack Boot Clamp (Outer) Outer clamp (small end) for steering rack boot. Suits all model Minis. MSRP: Was: Now: $1.71
Quick view sku: GSV1153 Steering Rack Boot Kit (Metal Ties) - Mini/Moke Steering rack boot kit to suit Mini & Moke with Australian Steering racks. Approximately 4.5" long with both holes the same size. This kit includes 2 x boots and 4 x metal ties. Vehicle: Mini / Moke GSV1153 / AYA6012 / BHM7113 / GRG205 /... MSRP: Was: Now: $18.50
Quick view sku: HYL2879 Steering Rack Boot Kit - Morris 1100 + Late Mini Steering rack boot kit to suit Morris 1100/1300 (ADO16) plus late Mini racks made from around 2011 (replacements). These are around 7.5" long and both large holes are the same size. This kit includes 2 x boots and 4 x zip ties. Vehicle: Mini / Morris... MSRP: Was: Now: $23.40
Quick view sku: GSV1004 Steering Rack Boot Kit - UK type Rack - Mini Steering rack boot kit to suit Mini & Moke with UK type Steering racks. These have different diameter holes at the large (rack) end, approx 42.4mm and 26.7mm and the boots are around 6.5" long. This kit includes 2 x boots and 4 x zip ties. Vehicle:... MSRP: Was: Now: $24.50
Quick view sku: 37H8064 Steering Rack Bush - UK Rack Steering rack bush for all UK type steering racks. Made from Nylon/Plastic. Model: Mini MSRP: Was: Now: $12.50
Quick view sku: HYL2878 Steering Rack Lock Nut (Ball Housing) This part is no longer available (NLA). Lock nut for ball housing on end of Australian steering racks. Vehicle: Mini HYL2878 MSRP: Was: Now: $0.00
Quick view sku: HYL3758 Steering Rack Pinion (Australian) This part is no longer available (NLA). Steering rack pinion to suit all Australian steering racks for Mini and Moke models. These are NOS (New Old Stock) and limited availability. HYL3758 MSRP: Was: Now: $0.00
Quick view sku: 2A6208 Steering Rack U-Bolt - Mini/Moke U-Bolt to hold on steering rack on all Minis and Moke models. Vehicle: Mini / Moke MSRP: Was: Now: $25.80
Quick view Whiteline | sku: W11529 Steering Rack Urethane Bush - Mini/Moke Heavy duty Whiteline urethane steering rack bush for all Australian produced steering racks. Replaces the felt bush in the end of the rack. Vehicle: Mini / Moke W11529 / HYL2872 MSRP: Was: Now: $18.25
Quick view sku: CCA45 Steering Rack Wave Washer (Australian) Wave washer for Australian steering rack. MSRP: Was: Now: $4.55
Quick view sku: BTA706 Steering Rack Wave Washer Gasket Gasket to fit housing where wave washer is fitted (Damper cover). Suitable for Australian steering rack. MSRP: Was: Now: $0.95
Quick view sku: GSJ734HD Tie Rod End - Heavy Duty & Longer - Mini/Moke Heavy Duty Longer Tie Rod end to suit Mini & Moke. Has grease nipple and extra thread for use with vehicles that have been lowered or have negative camber/modified suspension. Approximately 1/4" longer than standard Tie Rod end. Model: Mini /... MSRP: Was: Now: $22.25
Quick view Delphi | sku: GSJ734 Tie Rod End - Mini/Moke Standard Tie Rod End to suit all Mini & Moke models, plus Morris 1100 (ADO16). Fits both left or right side, two required per vehicle. Quality Delphi brand. Vehicle: Mini / Moke / Morris 1100 GSJ734 MSRP: Was: Now: $19.95
Quick view sku: 17H3481 Tie Rod End Boot Tie rod end boot. Require 2 per vehicle. Small hole is 13mm and large 32mm (approx). Fitment: - Mini & Moke. - Morris 1100 (ADO16). - Morris Minor. - Austin Healey Sprite & MG Midget. - MGA. - MGB. 17H3481 / 7H3762 / 17H3501 / 262-220 /... MSRP: Was: Now: $2.95
Quick view sku: 53K3480 Washer - Shakeproof - Steering Wheel Steering wheel nut shakeproof washer for all Australian Minis and Mokes. Nut is part ACH6001. 53K3480 MSRP: Was: Now: $1.10